Absence is the Highest Form of Presence, 2023

“Most anthropological theory (forget

practice — there isn’t any) works by

getting itself wrong and then trying

to get itself right about why it was

wrong in the first place.”

Roy Wagner, The Coyote Anthropology

The coyote is neither a wolf nor a dog, but an invasive species migrating from the New World; a metaphorical entity, cruising in-between night and day and cross-breeding with beings it encounters. Inspired by this equivocal totemic figure of the Amerindian mythology, US author Roy Wagner repositions anthropology by displacing its objects of study onto the unspoken, the unheard, the unknown zones, onto what is not there as much as what is.

As a motif of the threshold, the coyote is a shape-shifter, a go-between, a trickster. The animal becomes a method for collective thinking, and a working tool for COYOTE. Each year, COYOTE follows the traces of one of its members. In 2017, after a visit at the Epigraphical Museum during a workshop in Athens, COYOTE started to develop Environments, an ever-expanding, open-source environmental lexicon. An assemblage of thought-forms that attempts to translate and interpret the re-earthing of territories and identities―and to write alternative narratives for a world undergoing deep transformation―Environments is neither a native nor a foreign language; neither an endemic nor an exotic species; but rather an impure, sly, and vernacular visual language. It is also vehicular: a lingua franca that bridges disciplines, matters, and people, by offering graphical notations to concentrate thought-experiments―without naming, pointing, or defining in an enclosed way.

At the invitation of the 8th edition of the Thessaloniki biennale of Contemporary Art, COYOTE expands its ongoing research on language, as a method and a tool, to investigate the city. Being a multi-layered territory, a palimpsest of mixed geological, historical, ethnic, linguistic, and religious strata, poised between Europe and Asia, the Mediterranean and the Balkans, Thessaloniki is still a city shaped by the very idea of the nation state. It contains invisible parts and doesn’t reveal its multiple narratives at once. Drifting from the Archeological Μuseum to the Museum of Byzantine Culture via the Islahane, the Pasha’s Gardens, the Yeni Mosque, and MOMus, one may evaluate the cultural diversity of the city’s past through the modern approach of distinct and specialized disciplines, but one may also miss several holes that complete the city as a whole.

Considering cultural institutions as specialized enclaves, as fragmented mirrors of the city, COYOTE: Absence Is the Highest Form of Presence attempts to open them up and make them reflect onto each other. The proposal consists in hijacking the museums’ signage and occupying their liminal thresholds to parasitise their storytellings. In collaboration with Athens Studio Typical Organisation, COYOTE proposes to advertise some unmapped and missing fragments through a penetrating communication campaign, made of thoughts collected from bibliography on a critical genealogy of the monolithic nation state; as well as stories gleaned, in Thessaloniki, from city dwellers; and mythical tales from other time-spaces. Different portions are to be displayed on banners, posters, and walls, on the fringes of the above-mentioned host institutions. Besides Modern Greek and English, COYOTE will speak Ladino and Ottoman Turkish―spectral languages, impossible to untangle from the history of the places, giving space to the ghosts of the city; to memories of forgotten and unwritten stories, as a background noise radiating from past times.

Founded by Tristan Bera, Elida Høeg, Nuno da Luz, Clémence Seurat, and Ana Vaz, COYOTE is a co-operation between beings and affects; a crystallization of zones of affinities. The collective uses intersectionality as a method and subject, working on the intersection of experimental and conceptual forms.

This project is dedicated to Bruno Latour (1947-2022).




The central exhibition of the 8th Thessaloniki Biennial of Contemporary Art aims to think critically about co-existence and collaborative practices as creative tools for handling the multiple crises that we face. Thinking through being as communion, 28 artists via their respective practices touch on various forms of more than human collaborations, with our spectral past and our challenging present, thinking of how we can co-exist with animate life around us, the land that we stand on, the food that we eat and the air that we breathe. Being as Communion will focus on inclusive practices that explore different forms of care, love and mutuality, whilst also proposing generous forms of support systems. Invited artists and artist collectives will explore the human impact on the eco-systems that we share, whilst suggesting forms of more equitable existence, for humanimal survival, probing to what extent we can learn new ways of being with, rather than dominating the world around us.

Ten key sites and museums of the city of Thessaloniki will host the exhibition’s works, in dialogue with the city’s layered history, allowing for a polyphonic reading of the exhibition in ten equal parts.

04.03 –

MOMus-Museum of Contemporary Art, Archaeological Museum of Thessaloniki, Museum of Byzantine Culture, National Bank of Greece Cultural Foundation, Hamidie – Islahane Cultural Venue, Eptapyrgio, Yeni Jami, Thessaloniki French Institute, Glass Box “Scultures’ Garden” (seefront area), Thessaloniki Concert Hall (building M2)

The central exhibition of the 8th Thessaloniki Biennial of Contemporary Art aims to think critically about co-existence and collaborative practices as creative tools for handling the multiple crises that we face. Thinking through being as communion, 28 artists via their respective practices touch on various forms of more than human collaborations, with our spectral past and our challenging present, thinking of how we can co-exist with animate life around us, the land that we stand on, the food that we eat and the air that we breathe. Being as Communion will focus on inclusive practices that explore different forms of care, love and mutuality, whilst also proposing generous forms of support systems. Invited artists and artist collectives will explore the human impact on the eco-systems that we share, whilst suggesting forms of more equitable existence, for humanimal survival, probing to what extent we can learn new ways of being with, rather than dominating the world around us.

Ten key sites and museums of the city of Thessaloniki will host the exhibition’s works, in dialogue with the city’s layered history, allowing for a polyphonic reading of the exhibition in ten equal parts.

04.03 –

MOMus-Museum of Contemporary Art, Archaeological Museum of Thessaloniki, Museum of Byzantine Culture, National Bank of Greece Cultural Foundation, Hamidie – Islahane Cultural Venue, Eptapyrgio, Yeni Jami, Thessaloniki French Institute, Glass Box “Scultures’ Garden” (seefront area), Thessaloniki Concert Hall (building M2)



09.02 –

An exhibition collectively put together by curators of MOMus

21.12.2022 –

ΜΟΜus-Museum of Modern Art-Costakis Collection

09.02 –

An exhibition collectively put together by curators of MOMus

09.02 –

An exhibition collectively put together by curators of MOMus

21.12.2022 –

ΜΟΜus-Museum of Modern Art-Costakis Collection



The exchange of ideas, values and norms, within a context of a multitude of cultural, geographical and political debates and conflicts, is at the core of the concept of 'geoculture' in the political and social sciences. This is the rationale behind the decision of the 8th edition of Thessaloniki's Biennale of Contemporary Art to turn its attention to the terms 'land' (“geo-”) and 'culture', connecting the cultivation of land with culture, understood as a set of resources, texts and practices which are available to people, helping them better understand and more effectively act in the world. It explores issues of memory, history, and managing both the natural and man-made environment, under the conditions of the climate, economic and refugee crises.

The participating artists focus on histories of places and people; they touch upon issues of identity, ethics, equity and sustainability; they suggest improvised ecological technologies; they explore the potential for collective existence and question the systems by which production, consumption and profitability are organized; they put into practice ideas of resource sharing and equitable living, as well as ways of reassessing the commodification of human and non-human life. Through their works, imagination becomes a crucial factor in facilitating the audience to imagine different versions of the future.

Firmly believing that art broadens our understanding of the world, the 8th Biennale seeks not only to raise environmental awareness, but also to multiply future possibilities, with new claims and visions. The 8th Thessaloniki Biennale of Contemporary Art aspires to serve as a means of communication with the world, as an act of justice and freedom, of trust and progressive thinking.

The Thessaloniki Biennale of Contemporary Art is financed by Greece and the European Union (European Regional Development Fund) is organised by MOMus and implemented by MOMus-Museum of Contemporary Art-Macedonian Museum of Contemporary Art and State Museum of Contemporary Art Collections.

The participating artists focus on histories of places and people; they touch upon issues of identity, ethics, equity and sustainability; they suggest improvised ecological technologies; they explore the potential for collective existence and question the systems by which production, consumption and profitability are organized; they put into practice ideas of resource sharing and equitable living, as well as ways of reassessing the commodification of human and non-human life. Through their works, imagination becomes a crucial factor in facilitating the audience to imagine different versions of the future.

Firmly believing that art broadens our understanding of the world, the 8th Biennale seeks not only to raise environmental awareness, but also to multiply future possibilities, with new claims and visions. The 8th Thessaloniki Biennale of Contemporary Art aspires to serve as a means of communication with the world, as an act of justice and freedom, of trust and progressive thinking.

The Thessaloniki Biennale of Contemporary Art is financed by Greece and the European Union (European Regional Development Fund) is organised by MOMus and implemented by MOMus-Museum of Contemporary Art-Macedonian Museum of Contemporary Art and State Museum of Contemporary Art Collections.